Physical property:
SeedKing is the liquid formed seed treatment products, which combined Indole substances as active ingredients with the co-comitant activator of oligosaccharide, needed nutrients, the group of vitamin Bs, and spared fertilizer NPK. There are multiple methods of ways that using SeedKing to treat seeds. It is easy to use, and every save to seeds, crops and environments. Most of all, the SeedKing can help the growers to achieve the ideal of fast & uniformgerminations under a wide range of field conditions and resulting in strong & healthy seedlings.
Characteristics of SeedKing
The oligosaccharides enhance the gene expression to produce an abundant of hydrolases with high activities for better usage of the nutrient storage in seeds. The Indole enhances the root system development for better absorption of water and minerals. Others help to stabilize the enzyme structures for maintaining high seed vigor; protect cell membranes, increase photosynthesis, increase of the resistance against microorganism.
SeedKing vs. other seed treatment products:
The most common seed treatment products in the market are composed of fertilizers or fungicides, some consist gibberellins. The disadvantages: Supplying fertilizers at higher rate can resulting some damages; lower rate showed limitation of effects, because most of seeds have nutrients storied that supporting the germination & seedling growth; The fungicide & insecticides may injure crops, especially to root system. Gibberellins can promote a faster seed germination seedling growth, but it can result thin and tall seedlings.
SeedKing doesn’t have these disadvantages. It can be use along to achieve good results, or combined your currently used fungicide & insecticides seed treatment products to achieve better results also.
Mode of action:
Physiological actions and mechanismof SeedKing:
Fast & uniform germination, better root systems, better water & nutrient uptake, healthy seedling growth, strong stems (or stalks), better photosynthesis, lessen seedling stresses.
1:10 dilution of water (or mixture) for seed treatment.
coating, soaking, spraying, dipping after cool dry, treated seeds can be storage for 90 days.
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