Physical property:
MoreKing is the group of cytokinins using the latest chelation technology combined with oligosaccharides, micro nutrients, and supporting ingredients (multiple vitamins), which enhancing crop growth and reducing crop stresses to achieve greater yield and better grain (or fruit) quality.
1. Characteristics of MoreKing
The group of cytokinins in the MoreKing is a naturally occurring cell division agent, and is widely used in plants and microorganisms; can be absorbed through the leaf, stem, fruit, root and germinated seed, then move slowly to the other parts of the plants. But in this special formulated MoreKing, the cytokinins move quickly from the points of application directly to the functioning and working parts of plant; and sending messages to promote certain physiological processes as revealed by the quick results after the application.
2. MoreKing vs. other cytokinin based products:
MoreKing contains very high percentage of a group of needed-balanced cytokinins; and with supporting ingredients to enhance the movement and effectiveness of cytokinins in the treated plants.
MoreKing also contains Oligosaccharides and micro nutrients is the superior combination of needed nutrients for crops (plants)
MoreKing: Composition/ Main Active Ingredient
Nutrients derived from the following Ingredients
Chemical name CAS # Content
Boric Acid 10043-35-3 0.5%
Manganese Chloride 13446-34-9 0.2%
ZINCChloride 7646-85-7 0.5%
Chitosan 9012-76-4 0.1%
Mode of action:
Physiological actions and mechanism of MoreKing:
1) Promote cell differentiation, cell division and cell growth
2) Enhanceroot system development; better nutrient uptake
3) Enhance plant growth; delay the aging process (reduce stresses).
4) Enhance plant immunity; against fungus infection
5) Promote formation of flower buds; increase flower sets
6) Promote fruit formation; increase fruit sizeand quality.
7) Enhance pollination; increase grain size and quality.
8) Breaks off dominance at the growing tips; stimulates side branching.
1) 1:1000 dilution of water (or mixture).
2) Tank mixing with non alkaline based agrichemical products.
3) Multiple foliar applications
4) 1st application at 2 true leaves.
5) Minimum 4 weeks interval between applications.
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